Health and Medical Information for china
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As the Chinese economy continues to grow and expand the country is being seen as a major international market, and this is drawing many corporations from all over the world to Beijing and Shanghai in an effort to build their profiles in the Mainland market. Many of these companies have no history of working in China and have encountered a myriad of difficulties stemming from the cultural confusion. The difficulties that foreign corporations are having in the Chinese market are readily viewable in the nation's insurance industry which is, for the most part, dominated by Chinese insurance companies.
China has, at current count, 135 insurance companies working in and around the country; however foreign corporations and investment only account for 7% of the total Chinese insurance market. This is despite the fact that over 47 insurance organizations located in China are funded by foreign owned entities, showing that despite the eagerness of foreign enterprises to enter the Chinese market they are having great trouble doing so. There are some exceptions to this trend though, with companies such as Royal and Sun Alliance, who have a history in China dating back to 1853, and it is this experience that has allowed R&SA to become one of the most successful foreign insurers on the mainland.
One of the main reasons that foreign insurance companies are trying so hard to enter the Chinese market is due to the increase in expatriates in the country. In recent years more and more overseas nationals have been relocating to the People's Republic of China in order to capitalize on the massive growth in the economy and take advantage of the unique lifestyle and opportunities that the mainland offers. With the increase in expatriates also comes the need for western style insurance and protection, and as a result the interest from international and foreign based insurance organizations towards the Chinese market has also boomed.
China Health Insurance
Why then, if these corporations are so interested in establishing themselves on the mainland, are they having so much trouble doing so? Part of the issue may be due to certain cultural and societal issues towards which foreign nationals often have a hard time adjusting. Understanding the Chinese marketplace can be difficult, and it is partly due to this that the only foreign owned insurance companies in China that are enjoying great success are the ones, like Royal and Sun Alliance, that have a long history of providing high quality products to individuals throughout China.
It is this ability to bridge the cultural gaps that still, to some extent, exist between the Western and Asian economies that help to make a successful international insurance company, and sadly many top class international insurance companies do not realize this. There are, however, some exciting new changes in the Chinese insurance industry as the economy continues to further open and more and more international investment flows into the nation. The number of foreign corporations accessing the insurance market in China is growing, and will continue to grow, as the nations industrial and technological might continue to grow and gain ground on western competitors.
This means two things, the first is that the number of foreign insurance organizations in China will continue to rise, giving expatriates in the country the assurance that they will be able to deal with insurers offering products with which they are already familiar. This will in turn help more foreign nationals to achieve their full potential in this booming economy and in turn serve to lure more expatriates to the country creating a cyclical effect. The second effect that this will have is towards the innovation and creation of new insurance products and the implementation of higher quality products giving both Chinese and foreign nationals the assurances that they need, that despite whatever happens they will have the protection and services that they deserve at their disposal.
Medical services tend to be offered through local hospitals rather than private clinics. Costs at local hospitals are low and standards vary. Medical facilities in international hospitals are excellent and many common drugs are available over the counter. Traditional Chinese medicine treatments are also used widely in China, such as acupuncture, meridian massage, cupping and herbal medications. Medical insurance is strongly advised.
Food and drink:
All water used for drinking, brushing teeth or freezing should first be boiled or otherwise sterilised. Bottled water, widely and cheaply available, is the most advisable way of getting around this. Be especially careful when eating at small street-side stalls or restaurants where standards of hygiene may not be high. Pork, salad, scallops, snails and mayonnaise may carry increased risk. Vegetables should be cooked and fruit peeled.
Other risks:
Vaccinations against tuberculosis and Japanese encephalitis are sometimes advised. Bilharzia (schistosomiasis) is endemic in the central Yangtze river basin. Avoid swimming and paddling in fresh water. Hepatitis E is prevalent in northeastern and northwestern China and hepatitis B is highly endemic. Sporadic outbreaks of avian influenza (bird flu) have resulted in a small number of human deaths. Rabies is present. If bitten, medical advice should be sought immediately. There are occasional outbreaks of dengue fever.